
Category: technology

Three years of PinePhone

I meant to write this up as a "state of my experience as a PinePhone daily driver". But while just starting to compose the post, I stopped using it. Allow me to explain.

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You know that "X billion devices run Java" claim, with the number that keeps going up?

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Clear blue skies

I'd previously publicly (though unfortunately without a clear traceable record to refer back to) been critical of Bluesky. And I think I was for all the wrong reasons.

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Transhuman, pt. 2: Consequences, pt. 2

One of my magnets in my hand, never quite settled well. It moved around a lot, and now that's it's starting to find a home, it's still a bit off from the target spot, and it's too deep to be very useful. Both are, really.

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Integrity and progress

This is likely known, from other interaction or from piecing together from other blog posts, but: I'm pretty extreme in my free software enthusiasm.

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