
Tag: development


What is a cyborg, really?

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I got my tongue split yesterday—it got me reflecting.

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You know that "X billion devices run Java" claim, with the number that keeps going up?

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Transhuman, pt. 2: Consequences, pt. 2

One of my magnets in my hand, never quite settled well. It moved around a lot, and now that's it's starting to find a home, it's still a bit off from the target spot, and it's too deep to be very useful. Both are, really.

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One could have possibly foreseen this from some earlier posts, on fashion tech, and particularly metal. I've sort of leaned into this world of body mods—for utility, or just for the aesthetic. Hacking myself with implants (I have four now, at time of writing) has given me a taste for these upgrades, this self-directed evolution of the entity that is me.

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