
Wild mushroom risotto

This "recipe" doubles as a trial in embedding images with wit-cms.

A partner, who is quite mycologically inclined, gave me quite an assortment of edible mushrooms, which she found over the weekend.

tub of mixed mushrooms

...I had no idea what to do with them all.

After posting the above image in several groups, someone suggested wild mushroom risotto, and I knew instantly that's what I was going for.

I used this recipe to get me started, but I took some liberties every step of the way. Including the first step: the mushrooms! Included here were chanterelles, bear's head, and a few "giant" puffballs and saffron milk caps (the bolete was fried, but plucked out before pressure cooking).

I fried up the rest of a red onion I was using in oil, then added garlic and the shrooms. After everything was browned, I added rice and some veggie broth, and stirred it up to coat the rice. Added some black salt, pepper, and whatever herbs sounded good, deglazed with homemade dandelion wine, and threw it in a pressure cooker with some extra broth. 5 minutes later, I took it off heat, added some nooch and some spinach (because I add spinach to everything) and served garnished with green onion.

Risotto is not the most photogenic dish—paired with my aging phone camera, the food shots could use some love... but here you go:

wild mushroom risotto, plated

It turned out great! I'm going to keep this one pocketed for the next time someone leaves a bunch of shrooms with me...