One could have possibly foreseen this from some earlier posts, on fashion tech, and particularly metal. I've sort of leaned into this world of body mods—for utility, or just for the aesthetic. Hacking myself with implants (I have four now, at time of writing) has given me a taste for these upgrades, this self-directed evolution of the entity that is me.
I thus aim to capture and compile and share my interpretations, with the launch of a new art project... it will likely not be to the tastes of many, so I preface with notice appropriately:
CONTENT WARNING: contains needles/piercings/injections, DIY, (prescription) drug use. may in the future contain blood, nudity, bad decisions.
Introducing, the Vivivivisection project. "My ultimate exercise in self-actualization, self-control, self-fulfillment."
The name probably speaks for itself. An artful yet kinky collection of body mods; primarily needle play at this time. Again, I don't expect it to be palatable to many, but the theme has been important to me recently. This initial gallery merely scratches the surface; I have a lot of ideas for this undertaking, and look forward to expanding upon and sharing my interpretation of the gritty beauty and empowerment in self-hacking and personal modification.