
Gender mania

Anyone else ever feel like their whole transition, or life post-transition, has been one giant manic episode?

It's been constant, yet intensifying, for years now. I've been so outgoing and borderline overconfident, arguably obnoxiously so—maybe even brash. I've had so many 'fuck it' moments—instance after instance of risky, and/or permanently-life-changing events and behavior, some of which I make up as I go, much of which through a not-too-hard-to-fathom lens can easily be viewed as self-destructive or unnecessarily harmful.

It's surely not without lows, but I live in a state of near-constant elation; euphoria over doing everything I want and living my best life, regardless of the consequences. And I probably make it pretty well known to those around me.

But will this high ever wear off? Will the 'mania' swing in the other direction, drop me down a spiral pit, make me face what I've done, what I've become; prompt me to recover from an inescapable position?

Truly, I believe, no—this is just winning. Living life to the fullest I can reasonably get away with.

And I suppose, even if I'm wrong, these past years won't have been. They've been the best of my life, and I'm not one to regret. I trust myself now, to do what's best for me. Should I ever change my mind later, I trust I will do what's best for me then too.